Hello everyone! :)

I know I wrote last time that I will share with you my weekly plan for this week. However, I couldn't as you see. Because this week was more complicated that I thought at the beginning!
Here is the story:,
Monday began as usual. I took my Physics and Chemistry Classes. After that I bought my Chemistry Lab notes to study before. And than I joined the problem session for Chemistry but honestly it was a disaster! So, that wasn't very useful to learn or to repeat something. After that I came home at 7pm but I was feeling very bad and tired. I couldn't understand what was happening and I tried to study physics a little bit (VECTORS! -_-) and than I went to bed.

Tuesday was my first LAB DAY! :) Because of that I was very cheerful and exited! :) And it was really enjoyable but a little bit tense. Because I always had to be very careful to not break something etc. The topic for this lab was the solution and some basic chemicals. So, as you can see in the pictures, we worked with different chemicals and we tried to define their chemical properties when they are heated, mixed with water and their acidity/basicity. At the end of these experiment we had to solve a problem. Our professor had prepared an unknown mixture for all of us. And to finish the lab, we had to solve what was in it. And as you can guess, we had all different mixtures! :/
Honestly, It was very hard at the beginning. Because I broke my test tube, which is fulled by my unknown mixture! I got panicked, of course! :D But after that I could clean it up and solve the mixture! We haven't learned the results but I hope my answers were true!
After the lab day, I got sick! I got fever and I was feeling completely horrible! So, I couldn't go to class next day. At home, I slept all day long and even I did so, I couldn't get well completely :( However, I had to go to class on Thursday because we had a departmental welcome party and a problem session for maths,too. So, I went!
The welcome party was a pizza party, actually. And the pizzas were very delicious! :D But the things that I've learned about the department during the party were much more important than the pizzas!! :D
Here they are:

>> Firstly, I've learned that I can join an Erasmus Program during my 3.year. So I have to apply at the beginning of next year! And of course, I have to have an enough high GPA and a complete social life to be accepted! The most important thing that I've heard was about the University of Amsterdam! Dım dım dım! What is very important about this university? So, this is the highest ranking university in the list of our Erasmus universities list!! And this college accept only one student in a year! So, this situation really motivates me now!! :) THIS IS MY NEXT GOAL! I'll work and study for this :)

>> Second thing that I've learned about is the Biology Lab Attendance! If we can talk with a professor in our department and can get an acceptance, we can join a research lab even if we are in our first semester! :) So, after I've learned about that, I made a research in our department
website. And I saw that we have a research about cancer mutation in genes! Ta daaa! THIS IS MY SECOND NEXT GOAL! I want to get in! As a result, I wrote a very long e-mail about me and why I want to get in this lab to this professor and now I'm waiting for his answer. I made my B Plan, too. If he won't write anything to my e-mail until Tuesday. I'll go his office to introduce myself to him! :) Maybe this can work :))
So, my Thursday passed like that and yesterday I had a Bio111 class. In this class, we learn about the people which studied about chemistry or biology and gained a Nobel Price and their researches! It is a very interesting and enjoyable topic, I believe and the class was very instructive, too.
Yesterday, we talked about Christiane Nüsslein- Volhard and her researches about Drosophila! :) You can read about her life and research
here ,too. I really liked her and I hope that you'll, too.

In conclude, now it is weekend! And I need a complete plan to study my lessons! So, I woke up at 8 a.m and made this plan for the weekend :) ! Now, I want to start with physics because on Monday I have a Physics Problem Session! So if I have a problem about some questions, I can ask them here! :)
I wish you all a pleasant and perfect weekend! :)
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