It's me Back Again!:)

However, our second midterms and finals are coming like they are some parts of an invincible army! :D
In May, I have 11 exams ( 5 Midterms and 6 Finals), a lab report about the "Model Organisms" to give, a power point presentation for my Modern German Literature class and two different articles about Graph Theory Applications for Brain Cancer(glioma) to read for the Chapter I'll write.
You see, this month is completely terrifying and I really don't feel that I'm ready for it..
The exams start on this Tuesday and I REALLY have to study! I haven't written my lab report yet and haven't also prepared my power point presentation, too. And honestly, I have thousand pages to read about everything :D
I hope, I can handle it and start my summer holiday and my summer internship with having a good mood. Because, I really have to fix my GPA in this semester to be able to apply great universities for Erasmus next year! Actually, I'm kinda nervous about that, but I really want to handle it and show myself that I can do anything when I want to! But I don't know..
I hope that everything goes perfect! :)
After this terrifying month, I want to write everything about what I learned and made in my second semester! I'll share my lab reports, especially the introduction parts which take ALWAYS more than 4 hours to write! :D In addition, they really include great information about basic laboratory techniques which we learned in this semester! :)
So see you soon and alive (HOPEFULLY) :D